Jesus told the crowd on the hill, “First, seek the kingdom of God and all that God requires of you, and all the other things you most need will be provided.” I grew up thinking that seeking the kingdom of God was behavioral. Do good things for others, be a good boy, avoid bad things. My understanding changed as I matured, but it was still a behavioral mandate. Seek/strive for something outside myself. The kingdom of God, whatever that was, was something out there to be attained.

One of Jesus’ most consistent teachings, but one often ignored by the church, is that the kingdom of God is within us. It’s not out there. It is not something we experience later on. It’s not a reward. It is the spark of life within it

We begin our search for a harmonious collaboration with life by “seeking first” that which is within us. Anthony deMello said it well. “There’s only one reason why you’re not experiencing bliss at this present moment, and it’s because you’re thinking or focusing on what you don’t have.” There we are back at frustration, a pervasive feeling that something is missing, something should be different. Joy is being willing for things be as they are.

My Lenten task is to pay attention to the moment at hand. If I do that, I will notice if I am expecting things to be different, better, easier, or any other way that is out of my control. Then I can take a breath, remind myself that things are as they are. My task is to embrace what the moment presents. That gives me choices beyond the default of frustration.