Competition for “Best Christian Politician” has begun. In our local elections, Christian humility is busily elbowing its way to the front of the line. The dizzying mixture of Christianity and conservative politics makes “America First” seem indistinguishable from “Seek first the kingdom of God.”

On television, in the mail, and in the newspaper, the ads have begun. “I’m the only Christian conservative running in this race,” claims one running for the Court of Appeals. A vote for one county court judge candidate “is a vote for God, Justice, Taylor County, and Donald Trump.” And then there’s this: “In 2016 God ordained Donald Trump to lead this country,” the implication being that a vote for this candidate will be perpetuating this divine ordination, I suppose. Funny, but I heard the same argument of divine ordination for Bush and for Obama. I have also heard each of the three called the Antichrist. Hard to know. Where do these guys (so far I’ve only heard men make these claims) get their theology?

The hits will continue to come, I’m sure. We’re just getting started. Have these men never considered the inherent conflicts in pledging allegiance to God AND to the rule of law? The Bible is replete with teachings about the importance of making a distinction between the two. Do they see no daylight between blind obedience to Donald Trump and obedience to God? The Protestant lectionary, the sermon guide for many pastors, had an Old Testament and a New Testament reading just last week that addressed that very conflict.

Many of these ads imply that faith in God, faith in Donald Trump, and faith in the rule of law are synonymous. They are not. Most of the time they aren’t even close, and in many cases, they are antithetical to one other.

These candidates seem to be using the term “Christian” as a label to garner support among church-goers. Church-goers should be incensed at being seen as so gullible. If a candidate wants the votes of church-goers, that person should talk not about their Christian credentials, but about how their actions and policies are a reflection of true Christian principles. They should answer questions about how their policies affect those that Jesus was most concerned about, the helpless and marginalized.

political cartoonLegislative and political responses to a situation are often quite different from a Christian response. Most candidates have targeted the border crisis, abortion, and the second amendment as salient issues. As a voter, if you are alarmed at what is happening on the border, then vote for candidates on the state and national level who will take immigration reform seriously and will devote their efforts toward the legislative responses necessary. However, responding to the human crisis requires something other than legislation. That response requires efforts guided by human and Christian compassion toward those who are suffering, the immigrants. Candidates who target their anger at the immigrants, those seeking to save the lives of their children from violence, should not use the Christian label to justify their position.

Likewise with the issue of abortion. Access to a safe abortion is the law of the land. If you, the candidate, honor the rule of law, you will continue to guarantee a woman’s access to birth control and safe abortion services. If you oppose abortion on a personal level, as is your right, then work to overturn the law in a just, civil way. Meanwhile, make sure compassionate services are available to the women who are making the difficult and legal decision. Vilifying those seeking abortion or those who support their decision to do so is not a Christian response.

“America first” is an effective political catchphrase used by candidates from the local level to the White House, but there is nothing inherently Christian about it. “America first” leans heavily toward taking care of ourselves, often at the expense of others. Christ’s teachings were about taking care of “the least of these,” often at our own expense.

Politicians can run on the platforms of their choice. Getting votes is the name of the game with power as its reward. But when they campaign using the name of Christianity to promote their own agenda, they betray their faith. When they appeal to a partisan god, they are following a small god created in their own image who has their own agenda. There are many ways to violate the First Commandment. This is one of them.

Printed in Abilene Reporter News, Sunday, March 1, 2020