Sticks and stonesThe old adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” has never been true. Words are powerful and have the potential to hurt, to comfort, to enrage, to heal.

A few weeks ago in a Reporter News opinion article, the author lamented the loss of toughness in our society today, suggesting that people who allowed words to have an adverse effect on them were thin-skinned. He was referring to bullying and to statements used to disparage a person or a group.

The author described the people who got offended as being touchy-feely, overly sensitive, thinking that any negative statement is “a crime worse than murder,” causing them to want “to commit suicide or call the SWAT team.” I hope he is being hyperbolic, not literal.

Remarks that are racist, homophobic, sexist, that in any way belittle or disparage an individual or group have a corrosive impact. Even casual remarks that may go unnoticed by those outside the group can do damage.

The author of the article is a member of all the same majority groups of which I am a member; white, male, middle class, middle aged (or older), heterosexual, Christian. These designations allow us the privilege of distance; distance from the sting of such statements, and distance enough to criticize those who make such statements as well as those who are hurt by them. However, our challenge as the privileged majority is to not stand at a distance and shake our heads, but instead to also be offended by hurtful statements aimed at others.

The author suggests that kids should not allow bullying and other forms of harassment to bother them. That’s an adult perspective. Adults have, or at least should have, the life experience, self-awareness, and emotional maturity to allow senseless statements to go by without impact. Children and adolescents, however, often do not yet have the life history or emotional maturity to evaluate and then dismiss offensive statements. It’s not just about self-esteem, as the author suggests. It is also a matter of social and emotional development.

cyberbullyingBullying IS a problem for today’s youth. Not just the physical intimidation I experienced as a kid, but also the verbal bullying and cyber-bullying that, because of social media, can spread embarrassment and shame to a kid’s entire social network in a matter of seconds. That is the stuff of adolescent suicide. As an adult, I can only imagine the helplessness of having a shameful lie circulated to my entire personal and vocational network without any way for me to stop or mitigate the damage. Sticks and stones would be a welcome alternative.

As a society, we must go far beyond being nice and kind. Contrary to the author’s perspective, we no longer live in a society that teaches us to be polite. Our culture is becoming increasingly hostile, even violent. Just look at the political hostility and name-calling that we now treat as normal. This may seem normal, but it is not good. We must go beyond being nice. We must move to respect and to awareness of the impact we have on one another. We can no longer claim ignorance of the issue.

Words have power and we must take responsibility for our words. Listen to most apologies by public figures. The common apology is, “I’m sorry if anyone was offended by my words.” This statement suggests, “I didn’t say anything wrong, but some people chose to be offended.” The only thing missing is, “Shame on you all for being so sensitive.”

I want to hear a public figure say, “I’m sorry, I said an offensive thing. I didn’t realize what I said was offensive. I obviously have some things to learn.”

As a psychologist, I worked with many women and men who grew up in physically and sexually abusive families. I worked with people who identified as LGBTQ who had been disowned by family and church. I worked with people of color who grew up surrounded by subtle and overt racism. In our work together, we didn’t have to scratch very far below the surface before finding intense pain and rage. Were they “overly sensitive” to unkind remarks? Absolutely, and for good reason.

Instead of criticizing people for being thin-skinned or overly sensitive, how about we focus on the intent of those who say disparaging things, confront them, and then support those who are hurt.

Printed in Abilene Reporter News, March 3, 2019