My laptop was stolen while I was on the train from visiting my kids in Illinois.  I was devastated when I first discovered it missing from my book bag at 6:00 a.m.  Then it got worse.  As I considered the implications, well, I have not slept well and have not been able to concentrate on much of anything else since then.  Every time I think of something else that was on it and is now lost, I break into a cold sweat and just pace around.  All my writing for the past few years are lost.  So are many financial documents, tax information, passwords, pictures, materials from the class I taught, and a hot of other things I am continuing to remember.  Most of them are valuable only to me.  Some of the information (tax stuff, for example), makes me vulnerable to some disreputable person who may want to use the information.

It took me a few days to even figure out this website to edit my own web page here.  I had it bookmarked on my computer and had to search to find out if I had ever written it down.  Now that I can at least access this, as well as keep someone else from posting something of his or her own (I can only imagine what they might want to post), I will post as I am able.  However, I won’t be writing much until I get a new computer.  This one belongs to Judy.

OK, that’s it for the update.  I’ll be back in touch when I can.