This is not just a criticism of the Tea Party Express. A liberal Democratic rally would have been the same. Democrats would have made the same sweeping generalizations that the tea partiers made. They would have gone for the same cheap applause. They would have invoked the same God to support their causes. But, when we trot God out as a supporter of our personal causes, we reveal how small our faith really is.
White Privilege
The noise and hostility, at least in part, appears to be those of us who have always been in charge now fearing that we are losing or have already lost the privileges that come with being in charge.
In Praise of the “Beer Summit”
What a thought: opposing sides gaining respect for each other rather than trying to score a knockout. Dialogue does not assume we will all agree, but out of dialogue can come creative options we could never think of if we were busy yelling and not listening.
Patriotism and Christianity
I was reminded that humility expressed through confession, and gratitude expressed through generosity, are the primary attitudes that Christians must take in their lives. Humility and gratitude are also the primary positions we as a nation need to take in our dealings with others in the world.
Men as Mentors
Mark Twain once observed that “at the age of twelve a boy starts imitating a man, and he just goes on doing that for the rest of his life.” I suspect this is truer today than in Twain’s day. There is no time or event that signifies a boy’s entrance into manhood. Our culture provides […]
In the meantime
Living in the meantime acknowledges the fear but is not paralyzed by it. We all live in the meantime. We have no choice. The task is to recognize it and make choices accordingly. Charlotte Joko Beck wrote, “We have sacrificed our life in this moment in order to think of things that are not present.”
Good-enough Parenting
I believe that in striving to be a “good enough” parent, sometimes the best we can do is make sure our intentions are visible in our actions. What I hope for my children is that they possess an inquisitive mind, a tender heart, a strong moral intuition, a sense of personal responsibility, and the capacity to endure disappointment. If that’s what I want for them, I need to make sure they see those qualities in me, consistently, daily, over the course of years through all the normal, routine activities of family living and growing up.
The Certainty Factor
In matters of personal growth and relationships, I learned long ago that these were neither simple nor certain. Beware of the politician, minister, salesperson, or friend who starts a sentence with, “It’s really quite simple.” Unless it’s a game of Trivial Pursuit, they are probably promoting their opinion, not truth. Ambiguity, uncertainty, deliberation, and thoughtful timing are more often the realities of our lives.
Needless suffering
However, it’s the needless suffering that wears me down. It has none of the benefits of legitimate suffering. Needless suffering never stays focused. It escalates into self-pity or catastrophizing the situation, because it is based in fear.
Same-sex marriage
I believe Christian churches should be leading the way in promoting full acceptance of those marginalized in our culture. That was the example Jesus set. Instead, while denominations are splitting over whether or not gays and lesbians have a place in the church, many businesses are moving forward with non-discriminatory policies and same-sex partner benefits. Devoted Christians who are gay or lesbian not only have to deal with cultural stigma, but many have to do it without the support of their church.