The dilemma of being extraordinary

During the pregnancy for both of our children, Judy and I prayed and worried and hoped our child would be born with all the fingers and toes and with the normal mental and physical capacities of newborns.  Infertility and miscarriages had made these legitimate worries for us.  In short, we wanted a normal, healthy baby. […]

The remarkable father

Stan, a college sophomore, extremely bright and capable with a long record of successes had withdrawn from the university because he was flunking.  He was utterly ashamed.  It was baffling to him because none of his work was over his head, none of what was expected of him academically was beyond his capabilities.  Yet he […]

The joy of being ordinary

So what does it mean to be ordinary?  Being ordinary does not mean being mediocre.  It doesn’t mean we give up developing our skills, our competencies, our gifts as much as we can.  It doesn’t mean we settle for less than we are capable of.  We can still strive, practice, hope, and work at developing […]

Just enough light

Four squirmy boys, smelly from two days in the car, grew suddenly quiet as the sedan entered the woods.  My brothers and I craned our necks from the back seat, trying to see beyond the next curve in the winding dirt road barely wide enough for Dad to maneuver the car among giant pines. The […]

Trapped in my own house

Judy and the kids were out of town for a few days.  The evenings and the coming weekend were my own.  Unless an emergency arose, I had no one else’s needs to consider in deciding what to do with my time.  After spending a few quiet evenings, I decided to take on a project for […]

Landmarks in the middle of nowhere

During spring break a few years back, my family and I spent a few days over at Turkey Run State Park in Indiana.  One afternoon, we decided to drive around that area just to look at the countryside, see a few covered bridges and whatever else we might discover.  Judy commented that she had read […]

Landmarks in the middle of nowhere: Small decisions

A few years back, during a visit to Austin, Texas, I spied a historical marker on the side of downtown building.  I walked over to it and read these words:  “On this site in 1897 nothing happened.”  I smiled and went on my way, but it caused me to think.  I suspect that indeed something […]

Building altars for each other

I went to a reunion of a group of 30-somethings who had been the teenagers in the church where I had been the youth minister.  It was exhilarating and humbling to see these people after almost 20 years.  We had grown up together.  Though I was supposedly their “leader”, I was only a few years […]

Hostility or Civility?

We must give up the idea that we have to be right and that others therefore have to be wrong. We must embrace the idea that we each have something to learn from the other, even the other who is so different we get scared. It also requires that we keep our mouth shut until we have heard the other person fully and clearly rather than jumping in as soon as we have formulated a rebuttal.

History is not always history

When you have a group advocating one narrow perspective on history, a lot of influential people and a lot of important views get downplayed or eliminated, a lot of important history gets ignored. By eliminating from the curriculum an exploration of “institutional racism”, the school board has presented us all with a crystal clear example of it.