The Anti-Christian Bias Task Force. The WHAT?

We are a nation in which a privileged majority (Christians) can now claim victim status. That seems to be the irony and absurdity of the new White House Anti-Christian Bias Task Force. This is not a Christian endeavor, but a clear case of pandering from both sides. The president is locking in support of gullible […]

So long, “Deep State”

My heart goes out to the thousands who are losing their federal civil service jobs. Trump and his loyalists say they are getting rid of the “deep state.” To do that they are firing thousands of civil service workers for doing their jobs. We will soon find out the administration is not getting rid of […]

What little we leave behind

These past couple of days I continued the process of throwing away dad’s stuff as I’ve been doing since his death over a year ago. Dad was a historian at heart. He loved to dig into the background of things, he documented events, and he saved the paperwork. I just went through several notebooks that […]

Thinking of not voting?

To the 30 and 40 somethings who are not planning to vote this year, think about it. Deciding to not vote would be like trying to punish the old high school teacher you despised by refusing to study for the final exam. No one is hurt by that choice but you! Up until a few […]

Someone is sitting at MY table

–An excessively detailed account of a fleeting moment of near insignificance that highlights the enormous importance of place and consistency. A few years ago, when my early morning attendance at Starbucks was more regular, when the Baristas knew me by my first name and my order of dark roast, and the other early morning customers […]

The old shaving mirror

I don’t particularly like to shave. It’s just one of those necessities, once or twice each week to keep from looking to scruffy or if I have somewhere to go that requires looking civil. Recently, however, a shave was more than a shave. Judy and I were vacationing at the cottage in Maine, my favorite […]

I tossed out some papers today

I threw away a bunch of papers today. A simple but difficult task. The simple part was pulling a file folder, flipping through it, and tossing it and its contents in a pile to discard. The difficult task was looking at the pages in many of the files one last time, remembering the significance, and […]

Fifty years ago…

Fifty years ago this month, I moved to Austin, Texas and began my work as the youth minister at Woodlawn Baptist Church. As a recent graduate from seminary, I was eager to get to work in my first full-time position in church ministry.  I knew I was facing some challenges. Woodlawn was a larger church […]

Clearing the Road

“Clearing the road.” That is one of the many Biblical images during the Christmas season. The Gospel of Mark tells us that John the Baptist did that for Jesus. The gallery of my life is full of portraits of people who have cleared the road for me. One person came to mind recently. His impact […]

In memory of Susan Shaughnessy

My writing routine, and I use the word “routine” instead of “discipline” because it’s nowhere close to a discipline, is to read a short section from a book about writing, and then do “Morning Pages,” a few pages of free-writing in a spiral notebook. I begin each entry with “Morning Pages,” followed by the date, […]